Featured Product: HAPTX GLOVES DK2


True-contact HaptX and Magnetic motion tracking

HaptX’s microfluidic skin creates a level of tactile realism that other haptic devices can’t match. Tactile actuators displace skin up to 2mm to apply physical pressure, mimicking the way real objects feel in the users hand.

Additionally, the gloves’ magnetic motion tracking and hand simulation system achieve sub-millimeter precision, with 30 degrees of freedom (DoF) per hand, no perceivable latency, and no occlusion.


Industrial-grade haptic technology

With each HaptX Glove incorporating 133 tactile actuators and up to 40 pounds of resistive force, they allow users to touch their virtual environment with unprecedented realism. The DK2 departs from the standard use of vibration and force feedback found in many VR gloves. Instead, DK2 physically displaces the wearer’s skin the way a real object would. This approach results in true-contact haptics, a more authentic tactile experience that replicates the feeling of physical touch and further immerses users in their virtual world.

Who is this product for?

HaptX Gloves DK2 make an excellent addition to any simulation, design or research solution. They were built for professional use and have already been leveraged by Fortune 500 companies and government agencies for VR training, design, and telerobotics. Whether you’re beginning to adopt VR to train your workforce, designing a new product, or controlling robots from a distance, HaptX Gloves make it feel as real as possible.

If you’re interested in using this incredible technology for your professional VR solution, MACE Virtual Labs will help you bring your vision to life.

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