Vuzix Smart Glasses vs. Tablets vs. Traditional Scanners: Which Is Better for Your Warehouse?

Recent technological advancements have transformed countless industries, and that’s definitely the case for warehousing. These days, more and more warehouses have adopted augmented reality (AR) smart glasses with the goal of improving their operations. In fact, research suggests the use of AR in the warehousing sector is associated with 34% less downtime and a 17% increase in profitability.

Of course, older technologies such as tablets and mobile devices are still widely used in warehouses around the world—and even traditional scanners haven’t been left behind yet. Before you invest in any of these technological options for your warehouse, you’ll want to read up on the differences between these products. In this guest blog, the AR experts at MACE Virtual Labs will help you understand what sets Vuzix smart glasses, traditional scanners, and tablets apart.

Vuzix Smart Glasses vs. Tablets vs. Traditional Scanners

Here’s how traditional scanners, tablets, and Vuzix smart glasses measure up in terms of:

Access to Data

Let’s get one thing out of the way: when it comes to accessing data on the go, any of the options we’re looking at today will beat a fixed workstation. While tablets, traditional scanners, and Vuzix smart glasses differ in many crucial ways, they can all give your workers the power to access information no matter where they are in your warehouse.

However, that doesn’t mean each of these options provides equally powerful access to data. Assuming your warehouse has an internet connection, both tablets and smart glasses will be able to receive updated information in real time. On the other hand, that may not be the case with traditional scanners.


In workplaces such as warehouses, your employees may face usability challenges they wouldn’t have to deal with in an office setting—for example, they might wear gloves or have dirty hands on the job. Both of these situations can interfere with a tablet’s touchscreen, making these devices difficult (if not impossible) to use until your workers remove their gloves or wash their hands.

On the other hand, this won’t be a concern when your staff members use smart glasses. Since this technology is designed for hands-free use, your employees can do their jobs without having to use a tablet with gloves or grime-covered hands.

Efficiency and Productivity

The usability benefits described above aren’t the only advantage associated with hands-free tech. Smart glasses can give your workers valuable information without occupying their hands, allowing them to access this data while continuing to do their jobs.

These glasses also make it easier for workers to collect “digital breadcrumbs.” Scanning is incredibly simple with this technology, to the point where warehouse employees can often collect the data they need by walking through (or even just looking around) their surroundings.

Theft Risk

Tablets are a highly desirable form of technology, with obvious applications both in and out of the workplace. However, this flexibility comes with a significant downside—namely, an increased risk of theft. If your warehouse relies on tablets, your employees may be tempted to steal them for home use.

Fortunately, that shouldn’t be an issue for warehouses using industry wearables like smart glasses or traditional scanners. These technologies are configured specifically for  work environments, keeping your theft risk to a minimum.

Upfront Costs and ROI

Since smart glasses are a cutting-edge technology, it’s not hard to see why they have higher upfront costs than tablets or traditional scanners. However, this fact doesn’t tell the full story on its own—you’ll also need to take your return on investment (ROI) into account.

Unlike the other options discussed in this article, smart glasses come with benefits such as faster pick rates, improved accuracy, and lower costs resulting from picking errors. Since picking errors alone can result in losses as high as $300 per instance, these factors can help balance out the steeper initial costs associated with adopting smart glasses.


Tablets and traditional scanners have been widely used in industrial settings for a much longer time than smart glasses. There’s a good chance that your employees are already familiar with these technologies, minimizing your need to provide training related to them.

That said, the learning curve associated with smart glasses is far from steep. Though your workers might need some training to get started with smart glasses, this technology is meant to be as intuitive as possible. Your staff should be able to get comfortable with these glasses almost immediately.

Remote Communication

When your warehouse’s employees use smart glasses on the job, they can do more than just access and collect data. Along with that, they’ll be able to connect with remote professionals via video chat. These experts will be able to see exactly what your workers see, making it easy for them to provide valuable advice.

Video chatting with experts is technically possible with tablets, but it will require your staff members to go through a much clunkier process involving awkwardly propping this device up at the right angle. And since traditional scanners have no video communication features whatsoever, smart glasses are the clear winner in this category.

Explore the Future of Warehousing With Vuzix

Tablets, scanners, and smart glasses can all make life easier at your warehouse. Still, the latter option offers some truly unique advantages—and Vuzix smart glasses are better than anything else this category has to offer. With the technology found in Vuzix M400 smart glasses and other Vuzix products, your warehouse employees will be able to access data and communicate with experts without looking away from their work.

If you’re interested in taking your warehouse to the next level by adding smart glasses to your workflow, MACE Virtual Labs can help! We offer all-in-one turnkey solutions featuring Vuzix smart glasses and everything else you need, including software, financing, shipping, support, and storage. With our assistance, you’ll be able to start using Vuzix smart glasses ASAP, simplify your ordering process, and get your employees on board as quickly as possible.

Kim Grennan