5 Common Roadblocks for Enterprise XR Deployment (And How to Solve Them)

The immersive world of eXtended Reality (XR) promises to be a transformative experience for businesses across the board. From training modules to virtual conference rooms to immersive simulations of emergency scenarios, the possibilities are limitless–and right now, while the market is ramping up with no sign of slowing, it’s the perfect time to deploy a new initiative.

But while many enterprises are eager to bring creative XR solutions and software to their teams, successfully rolling out a fleet of devices remains a challenge. 

The truth is that enterprises have unique needs that go far beyond just the cost of the headsets. While the cost of hardware can certainly play a role, especially for small and mid-size businesses, enterprises need to follow an XR initiative checklist and look at the bigger picture if they want to plan a successful and seamless deployment.

1. Device Selection

As the world of XR expands, there are more options than ever for businesses and their needs. So many, in fact, that it can be a challenge to figure out which type of XR (virtual reality, augmented reality, or mixed reality) and hardware will best support your desired outcomes. 

In many cases, enterprises even realize that the “best fit” isn’t just a single device or vendor at all. Rather, they need a curated library of different devices that each solve a specific problem.

Locking into a single vendor can simplify the procurement process, but that comes at the cost of limited options. That vendor may offer a device model that works perfectly for one application, but nothing that truly meets the needs somewhere else.

Enterprises that want complete flexibility and freedom of device selection have to work with multiple manufacturers – and unfortunately, each hardware manufacturer will have their own systems and processes for purchasing. Coordinating those logistics can be a real obstacle for enterprise XR deployment. 

And that’s just on the hardware front. When it comes to procuring software, the enterprise will likely go through it all again as they try to communicate with various hardware and software product companies at the same time.

To take the friction out of hardware and software procurement, a third-party provider like MACE VL can offer a streamlined path to procurement. After helping enterprises compare their options and select the best hardware for their needs, we can serve as a single point of purchase for everything regardless of vendor. This gives internal buyers an easy and consistent experience increasing flexibility, and single point of contact for procurement and support (or said differently, one throat to choke). 

2. Device Provisioning

One key challenge in XR deployment is ensuring devices are provisioned properly and seamlessly handed off to end-users. Enterprises want an out-of-the-box solution that is ready to go when it arrives.

That means someone must bring together the hardware and software, then configure the settings according to the enterprise’s specific needs. 

You can think of this like “Last Mile Services” in logistics companies like freight carriers. They will manage the entirety of the shipping process, but the last mile often requires more in-depth familiarity with the area and how everything needs to arrive. The enterprise might not have dedicated staff on their internal team familiar enough with the hardware and software configurations and requirements to push that deployment through the “last mile.”

This typically means the enterprise must work with several different external vendors in order to make everything come together for their internal users. Just as dealing with multiple hardware vendors when selecting devices complicates procurement, the same concept will apply for software, training, and any other customization needs.

A lot of behind-the-scenes work goes into a successful handoff, including:

  • Device provisioning (both with or without MDM solutions)

    • Loading content

    • Configuring hardware settings

    • Pairing other devices

  • Device management

    • Asset tags, branding, or full wraps

    • Transportation, warehousing, and logistics

    • Storage solutions

  • Staff training

    • Live support

    • User guides

A well-planned deployment factors in or bundles these costs to help businesses stay on track and budget effectively. More involved deployment plans may even include branded decals or custom cases, which offer a next-level user experience.

On the other side of the spectrum, fragmented handoff processes lead to delays, increased costs, and decreased user satisfaction.

Working with a partner like MACE Virtual Labs can simplify the entire process for enterprises. Our turnkey kitting and bundling services simplify the process for enterprises, since we handle all the logistics on your behalf. After collaborating with you to pinpoint exactly what your enterprise needs, we handle the details to deliver a solution that works right out of the box.

3. Ownership and Service Models

Even after everything has been successfully deployed, XR equipment requires ongoing care and maintenance. Enterprises need a comprehensive solution that accounts for their long-term needs as well as their short-term ones. 

This can include:

  • The ability to rent devices vs. purchase them

  • Fleet management for owned devices

  • Software updates and troubleshooting

  • Hardware repairs and replacements

  • Storage

  • Cleaning

  • Transportation

During deployment, enterprises should investigate service models that meet all their needs. Will you employ in-house experts for software updates and troubleshooting, or will you rely on external support? Will that support come from the ISV, the manufacturer, or a company like MACE VL?

You will also need to identify where the devices will be stored when not in use. Will you need to transport the devices between multiple locations? Will the devices be shared? If so, consider how you will handle device transportation and sanitation.

Again, a well-defined bundle can help enterprises avoid this roadblock. In addition to the core hardware and software offerings, your bundle can include fleet management and all necessary accessories, such as storage cabinets with disinfection capabilities. 

A trustworthy partner will think of the details you may not have ever considered, then ask you the appropriate questions in order to custom-build a bundle.

4. Scalability

It’s not uncommon for enterprises to start with a smaller rollout in order to test the new process while minimizing upfront investments, then expand in the future as the XR initiative sees results. If that’s the case for your enterprise, you’ll want to consider how the foundation you set now will affect your ability to scale later on.

Consider questions like:

  • Do we have a smooth procurement process?

  • How easy is it to add devices to an existing network?

  • How easy is it to add users?

  • How will we handle device management?

  • How will we handle support?

Plans for future global deployment will also bring about unique scaling considerations, such as provisioning and compatibility. When a device arrives in the hands of an end-user, whether in North America, South America, or elsewhere, it should be ready for immediate use. If you are working with a partner, make sure they’re familiar with the intricacies of global deployments and how they might differ from US-only rollouts.

Hardware standardization is one of the most effective ways to efficiently scale, since it can streamline deployment, make content creation more straightforward, and ensure a consistent user experience. Standardization can also help with the enterprise's security needs, since consistency will make it easier to track and manage devices.

5. Single Point of Contact

The previous points all culminate in one larger, overarching problem: successful XR deployment involves a lot of moving parts. Enterprise administrators might not have the time and knowledge to coordinate these efforts efficiently and get the results their business needs. 

Rather than juggle ongoing communications with multiple vendors, a single point of contact can quarterback the hardware, software, provisioning, training, and ongoing support and maintenance into one cohesive deployment plan. 

Having an all-in-one, turnkey partner like MACE VL is helpful not just at the onset, but also going forward as the XR initiative grows and expands. After deployment, enterprises will want an ongoing point of contact for support. In cases where a user isn’t sure whether the issue is due to hardware or software, they may be unsure who to contact for troubleshooting. A partner solves this, as they are the go-to contact for all issues.

This concept not only simplifies the logistics of deployment and ongoing support, but also the financials. Enterprises can bundle all their expenses–hardware, software, and ongoing ownership expenses–in one place, making it easier to budget and track the initiative’s ROI. 

At MACE VL, we can also simplify internal purchases for large enterprises. Instead of having IT approve dozens or hundreds of purchase orders, we can provide a catalog that lets internal buyers purchase new or replacement devices in a faster, more streamlined fashion.

Streamline XR Deployment at Your Enterprise

Get the ball rolling in no time at all–with all the features, settings, and training your team needs to be successful. Our Enterprise Adoption Accelerator service includes every aspect of deployment so your enterprise can enjoy a fast, hassle-free, and streamlined rollout that’s custom-built to your exact needs. 

  • Hardware procurement

  • Provisioning and kitting

  • Logistics and storage

  • Integration with your procurement system for simplified internal purchasing

  • Financing options

  • Ongoing training and support

Ready to get started? Touch base with a MACE VL expert today to learn more.

Kim Grennan